unlike kokushi who was appointed from the central government officials with a fixed term , gunji was appointed from local gozoku including old kuninomiyatsuko by heredity and was a lifelong official without a fixed term . 中央の官人が任期制で派遣されていた国司と異なり、郡司は、旧国造などの地方豪族が世襲的に任命され、任期のない終身官であった。
unlike kokushi who was appointed from the central government officials with a fixed term , gunji was appointed from local gozoku including old kuninomiyatsuko by heredity and was a lifelong official without a fixed term . 中央の官人が任期制で派遣されていた国司と異なり、郡司は、旧国造などの地方豪族が世襲的に任命され、任期のない終身官であった。